Fly On Over's A Day in the Life Blog Hop
Every day is different for me. Some days we need to go and just clean stalls/feed. Some days we just do stalls/feed and ride. Some days we just ride and don't do stalls. Since there's no electricity, everything depends on natural light. As our barn is set into the hills, the sun effectively sets earlier for us so it's hard to do evening rides/barn work until the sun sets after 6:30/7:00. I actually have sunset times added to my gmail calendar and I track when I can get to the barn.
I am so counting down the days to Daylight Savings Time.
Luckily I have flex hours at work so I can change my routine on any given day. I can also leave early if I have a lesson/vet appt and just work more another day.
7:15 am - alarm goes off. If we're just riding and not cleaning, we sleep in until 7:30. If we're just cleaning and not riding, we can sleep until 8:00.
7:30 am - head to barn
7:40 am - arrive at barn and change clothes
Husband cleans stalls while I tack both the horses
So Glamorous |
8:00 am - hop on and head up to the arena
9:00 am - end ride and head down to the barn to untack
9:05 am - Let horses roll after untacking. Make grain buckets while they're rolling
Shasta knows rolling should be immediately followed by feeding |
9:15 am - Leave barn
9:08 am - get home and shower and change
9:25 am - Leash up the dogs and head to work
9:45 am - arrive at work
Get tea and breakfast from the break room. Sometimes cereal, sometimes Odwalla protein drinks, or Greek Yogurt if I'm trying to be healthy.
Snack Bar and Fridge At Work |
10:00 am - I'm in charge of the office, so I take some time to refill coffee supplies, run the dishwasher, and get anything else needed for the morning done. Sometimes I go to the grocery store on the way in and pick up bagels or donuts.
10:15 am - check emails, order supplies if anything was low or out of stock this morning
11:00 am - Take dogs for a walk. There's a small dog park near my office. My little dog, Ceili actually plays while my other dog, Cora just stands around or sits on my feet.
Pretty well sums up their personalities |
11:15 am - Return to work. What I do changes on any given day, some days I run payroll, some days I am doing CAD designs for our expansion. Some days I build furniture or meet with contractors. I work at a start-up so it's always different and rarely glamorous.
12:30 pm - Lunch is delivered. I usually eat at my desk and keep working. I use my break time to take the dogs for walks.
Lunch is different every day |
2:00 pm - Head out to work on the balcony for a while as California has decided to skip winter this year.
On the balcony |
4:00 pm - Run dishwasher again. Refill supplies again. Get back to working on finances or HR or whatever comes up. Seriously, as much as my horse schedule is different every day, it's really hard to say what I do on any given day. The only constant is change.
Dogs resting beneath my desk |
5:30 pm - Pack up and head home.
5:45 pm - Arrive home, chill on the couch.
6:30 pm - Make dinner
Country Chicken Hotch Potch |
7:30 pm - Eat Dinner
We have Fencing class once a week in the evening. We do board games a lot or go out to dinner sometimes. I also go out to Meetups fairly frequently as well so even this evening schedule is also constantly changing.
In the summer, when there's light in the afternoons, we do:
8:30am - alarm goes off.
8:45 - eventually get out of bed, feed small dog, get dressed
9:00 - leave for work
9:15 - arrive at work
9:15 - 4:30pm - work
5:00 leave work and drive to barn
5:15/5:20 - depending on traffic - arrive at barn and change clothes and finish tacking up
5:30 - Get on and ride for an hour or so. Depends on how much light there is or if I have a lesson.
6:30/45 - Get off, untack, let horses roll
6:45 - Husband cleans stalls and I prepare food and bring horses in from rolling.
7:00 - Change and head home
7:15 - Get home and shower
7:30 - Cook Dinner
Labels: Blog Hop