Wunderlich Park

Today we ventured out to a new park - Wunderlich Park in Woodside. It is a really gorgeous park, filled with towering redwood and eucalyptus trees. The park itself is home to a restored estate stable that now operates as a very expensive and fancy boarding stable. It's the sort of barn you find plastered all over Pinterest:

seriously gorgeous

There was plenty of trailer parking and a decent turn-around. I actually scouted out the parking lot on Saturday when I was going to the nearby tack and feed stores. Since we're still not great at trailering, I wanted to make sure we'd be ok before actually taking the trailer there.

Shasta and Nilla were initially having quite the freak out. Because there were other horses there, Shasta was calling to them. They were both being jittery and annoying, so we stuck to a walk going up. By the time they calmed down, we were on our way back down and couldn't go faster than a walk.

I had to keep both hands on the reins because I don't trust Nilla not to go off-roading. So I was not able to get any pictures of the trails themselves. This picture from the park's website shows the nice wide trails and beautiful trees.

We did get some pictures up at "The Meadows." This was about half way and we did a little over 5 miles. The only way to go longer and still make a loop would have been to go 10 miles and we weren't up for that given their anxiety levels. Next time we might though.

Pretty pony, pretty view over the valley

She was pissed off at not being allowed to eat

When we got back to the parking lot, Shasta walked right onto the trailer like a nice horse. Nilla is still acting like an jerk, but she did get on and settle to eating her hay. She also moved her ass off the butt bar so we could get the other side closed - she has been throwing all her weight backwards and threatening to break it. On our previous trips, they were too anxious to eat their hay, so today was an improvement. Can't wait to get out again.

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